TrainingState(args, *kwargs)
Source code in generax/
class TrainingState(eqx.Module):
i: float
key: PRNGKeyArray
model: eqx.Module
opt_state: optax.OptState
def __init__(self,
i: float, # float so that it is not treated as static
key: PRNGKeyArray,
model: eqx.Module,
opt_state: optax.OptState):
self.i = i
self.key = key
self.model = model
self.opt_state = opt_state
__init__(self, i: float, key: PRNGKeyArray, model: Module, opt_state: Union[jax.Array, numpy.ndarray, numpy.bool_, numpy.number, Iterable[ArrayTree], Mapping[Any, ArrayTree]])
Source code in generax/
def __init__(self,
i: float, # float so that it is not treated as static
key: PRNGKeyArray,
model: eqx.Module,
opt_state: optax.OptState):
self.i = i
self.key = key
self.model = model
self.opt_state = opt_state
Checkpointer(args, *kwargs)
Source code in generax/
class Checkpointer(eqx.Module):
save_path: str
model_folder: str
def __init__(self,
save_path: str):
self.save_path = save_path
self.model_folder = os.path.join(save_path, 'models')
def saved_model_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.model_folder, 'saved_model.pickle')
def save_eqx_module(self,
model: eqx.Module):
eqx.tree_serialise_leaves(self.saved_model_path, model)
def load_eqx_module(self,
model_example: eqx.Module):
return eqx.tree_deserialise_leaves(self.saved_model_path, model_example)
__init__(self, save_path: str)
Source code in generax/
def __init__(self,
save_path: str):
self.save_path = save_path
self.model_folder = os.path.join(save_path, 'models')
save_eqx_module(self, model: Module)
Source code in generax/
def save_eqx_module(self,
model: eqx.Module):
eqx.tree_serialise_leaves(self.saved_model_path, model)
load_eqx_module(self, model_example: Module)
Source code in generax/
def load_eqx_module(self,
model_example: eqx.Module):
return eqx.tree_deserialise_leaves(self.saved_model_path, model_example)
Class that will monitor training and handle checkpointing.
: Object that saves checkpoints of the model
Source code in generax/
class Trainer(eqx.Module):
"""Class that will monitor training and handle checkpointing.
- `checkpointer`: Object that saves checkpoints of the model
checkpointer: Checkpointer
_aux_history: list
def __init__(self,
checkpoint_path: str):
self.checkpointer = Checkpointer(checkpoint_path)
self._aux_history = []
def aux_history(self):
return jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda *xs: jnp.array(xs), *self._aux_history)
def train_step(self,
objective: Callable,
optimizer: optax.GradientTransformation,
train_state: TrainingState,
data: Dict[str,Array]) -> Tuple[TrainingState, Mapping[str, Any]]:
i, model, opt_state = train_state.i, train_state.model, train_state.opt_state
train_key, next_key = random.split(train_state.key)
# Compute the gradients of the objective
(obj, aux), grads = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(objective, has_aux=True)(model, data, train_key)
aux['objective'] = obj
# Update the model
updates, new_opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, model)
new_model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)
# Package the updated training state
updated_train_state = TrainingState(i=i+1,
return updated_train_state, aux
def train(self,
model: eqx.Module,
objective: Callable,
evaluate_model: Callable,
optimizer: optax.GradientTransformation,
num_steps: int,
data_iterator: Iterator,
double_batch: int = -1,
checkpoint_every: int = 1000,
test_every: int = 1000,
retrain: bool = False,
just_load: bool = False):
"""Train the model. This will load the model if the most
recent checkpoint exists has completed training.
- `model`: The model to train
- `objective`: The objective function to optimize
- `evaluate_model`: A function that takes in the model and evaluates it
on a test set
- `optimizer`: The optimizer to use
- `num_steps`: The number of training steps to take
- `data_iterator`: An iterator that yields batches of data
- `double_batch`: If `double_batch > 0`, then we will take `double_batch` batches
of data at a time and train over them in a fast `jax.lax.scan` loop.
- `checkpoint_every`: How often to checkpoint the model
- `test_every`: How often to evaluate the model
- `retrain`: Whether to force retraining from scratch
- `just_load`: Whether to just load the most recent checkpoint and return
key0 = random.PRNGKey(0)
# Load the most recent checkpoint
opt_state = optimizer.init(eqx.filter(model, eqx.is_inexact_array))
train_state = TrainingState(jnp.array(0.0), key0, model, opt_state)
# Load the most recent checkpoint
if retrain == False:
train_state = self.restore(train_state)
if just_load:
return train_state.model
# Fill in the training step with the objective and optimizer
train_step = eqx.Partial(self.train_step, objective, optimizer)
if double_batch == -1:
# JIT the training update here
train_step = eqx.filter_jit(train_step)
# We can only pass in parameters dynamically to the scan loop, so we
# need to extract the static values here (because they won't change)
# and combine later inside the scan loop
_, static = eqx.partition(train_state, eqx.is_array)
# Construct the scan loop that we'll use to process batches of data
def step(params, data):
train_state = eqx.combine(params, static)
new_train_state, aux = train_step(train_state, data)
new_params, _ = eqx.partition(new_train_state, eqx.is_array)
return new_params, aux
scan_step = partial(jax.lax.scan, step)
scan_step = jax.jit(scan_step)
# Construct the progress bar
start = int(train_state.i) if retrain == False else 0
if double_batch <= 0:
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(jnp.arange(start, num_steps), total=num_steps - start)
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(jnp.arange(start, num_steps, double_batch), total=num_steps - start)
# Training loop
for i in pbar:
# Take a training step
if double_batch == -1:
data = next(data_iterator)
train_state, aux = train_step(train_state, data)
data = misc.extract_multiple_batches_from_iterator(data_iterator, double_batch)
params, static = eqx.partition(train_state, eqx.is_array)
params, aux = scan_step(params, data)
train_state = eqx.combine(params, static)
# Update the progress bar
description = ', '.join([f'{k}={float(v.mean()):.4f}' for k, v in aux.items()])
# Checkpoint the model
if (i and (i%checkpoint_every == 0)):
print('Checkpointed model')
# Evaluate the model
if (i%test_every == 0) or (i == num_steps - 1):
# Final checkpoint
print('Checkpointed model')
return train_state.model
def checkpoint(self, train_state: TrainingState):
def restore(self, train_state: TrainingState) -> TrainingState:
train_state = self.checkpointer.load_eqx_module(train_state)
print(f'Restored train_state {self.checkpointer.saved_model_path}')
return train_state
__init__(self, checkpoint_path: str)
Source code in generax/
def __init__(self,
checkpoint_path: str):
self.checkpointer = Checkpointer(checkpoint_path)
self._aux_history = []
train_step(self, objective: Callable, optimizer: GradientTransformation, train_state: TrainingState, data: Dict[str, Array]) -> Tuple[TrainingState, Mapping[str, Any]]
Source code in generax/
def train_step(self,
objective: Callable,
optimizer: optax.GradientTransformation,
train_state: TrainingState,
data: Dict[str,Array]) -> Tuple[TrainingState, Mapping[str, Any]]:
i, model, opt_state = train_state.i, train_state.model, train_state.opt_state
train_key, next_key = random.split(train_state.key)
# Compute the gradients of the objective
(obj, aux), grads = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(objective, has_aux=True)(model, data, train_key)
aux['objective'] = obj
# Update the model
updates, new_opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, model)
new_model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)
# Package the updated training state
updated_train_state = TrainingState(i=i+1,
return updated_train_state, aux
train(self, model: Module, objective: Callable, evaluate_model: Callable, optimizer: GradientTransformation, num_steps: int, data_iterator: Iterator, double_batch: int = -1, checkpoint_every: int = 1000, test_every: int = 1000, retrain: bool = False, just_load: bool = False)
Train the model. This will load the model if the most recent checkpoint exists has completed training.
: The model to trainobjective
: The objective function to optimizeevaluate_model
: A function that takes in the model and evaluates it on a test setoptimizer
: The optimizer to usenum_steps
: The number of training steps to takedata_iterator
: An iterator that yields batches of datadouble_batch
: Ifdouble_batch > 0
, then we will takedouble_batch
batches of data at a time and train over them in a fastjax.lax.scan
: How often to checkpoint the modeltest_every
: How often to evaluate the modelretrain
: Whether to force retraining from scratchjust_load
: Whether to just load the most recent checkpoint and return
Source code in generax/
def train(self,
model: eqx.Module,
objective: Callable,
evaluate_model: Callable,
optimizer: optax.GradientTransformation,
num_steps: int,
data_iterator: Iterator,
double_batch: int = -1,
checkpoint_every: int = 1000,
test_every: int = 1000,
retrain: bool = False,
just_load: bool = False):
"""Train the model. This will load the model if the most
recent checkpoint exists has completed training.
- `model`: The model to train
- `objective`: The objective function to optimize
- `evaluate_model`: A function that takes in the model and evaluates it
on a test set
- `optimizer`: The optimizer to use
- `num_steps`: The number of training steps to take
- `data_iterator`: An iterator that yields batches of data
- `double_batch`: If `double_batch > 0`, then we will take `double_batch` batches
of data at a time and train over them in a fast `jax.lax.scan` loop.
- `checkpoint_every`: How often to checkpoint the model
- `test_every`: How often to evaluate the model
- `retrain`: Whether to force retraining from scratch
- `just_load`: Whether to just load the most recent checkpoint and return
key0 = random.PRNGKey(0)
# Load the most recent checkpoint
opt_state = optimizer.init(eqx.filter(model, eqx.is_inexact_array))
train_state = TrainingState(jnp.array(0.0), key0, model, opt_state)
# Load the most recent checkpoint
if retrain == False:
train_state = self.restore(train_state)
if just_load:
return train_state.model
# Fill in the training step with the objective and optimizer
train_step = eqx.Partial(self.train_step, objective, optimizer)
if double_batch == -1:
# JIT the training update here
train_step = eqx.filter_jit(train_step)
# We can only pass in parameters dynamically to the scan loop, so we
# need to extract the static values here (because they won't change)
# and combine later inside the scan loop
_, static = eqx.partition(train_state, eqx.is_array)
# Construct the scan loop that we'll use to process batches of data
def step(params, data):
train_state = eqx.combine(params, static)
new_train_state, aux = train_step(train_state, data)
new_params, _ = eqx.partition(new_train_state, eqx.is_array)
return new_params, aux
scan_step = partial(jax.lax.scan, step)
scan_step = jax.jit(scan_step)
# Construct the progress bar
start = int(train_state.i) if retrain == False else 0
if double_batch <= 0:
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(jnp.arange(start, num_steps), total=num_steps - start)
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(jnp.arange(start, num_steps, double_batch), total=num_steps - start)
# Training loop
for i in pbar:
# Take a training step
if double_batch == -1:
data = next(data_iterator)
train_state, aux = train_step(train_state, data)
data = misc.extract_multiple_batches_from_iterator(data_iterator, double_batch)
params, static = eqx.partition(train_state, eqx.is_array)
params, aux = scan_step(params, data)
train_state = eqx.combine(params, static)
# Update the progress bar
description = ', '.join([f'{k}={float(v.mean()):.4f}' for k, v in aux.items()])
# Checkpoint the model
if (i and (i%checkpoint_every == 0)):
print('Checkpointed model')
# Evaluate the model
if (i%test_every == 0) or (i == num_steps - 1):
# Final checkpoint
print('Checkpointed model')
return train_state.model
checkpoint(self, train_state: TrainingState)
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def checkpoint(self, train_state: TrainingState):
restore(self, train_state: TrainingState) -> TrainingState
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def restore(self, train_state: TrainingState) -> TrainingState:
train_state = self.checkpointer.load_eqx_module(train_state)
print(f'Restored train_state {self.checkpointer.saved_model_path}')
return train_state